- City: KOTOR
- Street: DOBROTA 181
- Country: Crna Gora
- Zip/Postal Code: 85330 KOTOR
- No. of beds: 4
- No. of rooms: 1 APARTMAN
- Sea Distance (m): 5 M
- Sea View: YES
- Air Condition: YES
- Parking: YES
- Balcony / Terrace: YES
- Internet: YES
- Kitchen: YES
- Are pets allowed?: NO
- Ground Floor: NO
Owner Name
00382 69 685 018Contact Email
krstod@t-com.meAPARTMAN JASMINA – KOTOR - Opis apartmana
Your place for a perfect vacation - Montenegro
Villa ‘Jasmina” is situated at the very coastline, well-known as promenade of Dobrota. Ideal for vacation and moments of relax Villa ‘Jasmina” has three large apartments with four comfortable rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen with dining and living room, as well as a balcony with sea view. There is a large terrace belonging to the Villa, as well as a barbecue made in stone at full disposal of the guests.
Villa Jasmin has its own quay with bathing accessories that are used on free basis by our guests. Also, as part of the quay, there is a scooter and boat ramp Also You can order fresh fish prepared in the traditional way at very affordable prices.
Fish and meat diners: In our villa you can order fresh fish and organize dinner for you and your friends.
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