- City: VRBNIK
- Street: BOČINA 21
- Country: Hrvatska
- Zip/Postal Code: 51516 VRBNIK - KRK
- No. of beds: 6 + 2
- No. of rooms: HOLLIDAY HOUSE
- Sea Distance (m): 400 M
- Sea View: YES
- Air Condition: YES
- Parking: YES
- Balcony / Terrace: YES
- Internet: YES
- Kitchen: YES
- Breakfast included:: NO
- Are pets allowed?: YES
- Ground Floor: YES
- Heating: YES
Owner Name
ANA RUMPFContact Phone
00386 40 742 801Contact Email
arumpf11@gmail.comHOUSE PINIA – VRBNIK - Opis apartmana
Holiday house Pinia is located in Vrbnik on the island of Krk. It is spread over two floors – on the ground floor there is a large kitchen with dining and living room, bathroom and one bedroom while on the 1st floor are two bedrooms and a bathroom. The house can accommodate up to 8 people. Arround the house there are three balconies (6 + 7 + 6 m2), a large terrace with beautiful sea view and view over the old town of Vrbnik, as well as a garden. Guests have at their disposal air conditioning, heating, internet, satellite TV, dishwasher, washing machine … Welcome!
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