- City: BAŠKA
- Street: ŠANTIS 4
- Country: Hrvatska
- Zip/Postal Code: 51523 BAŠKA - KRK
- No. of beds: 5
- No. of rooms: 1 APARTMAN
- Sea Distance (m): 500 M
- Sea View: YES
- Air Condition: NO
- Parking: YES
- Balcony / Terrace: YES
- Internet: YES
- Kitchen: YES
- Are pets allowed?: YES
- Ground Floor: YES
- Heating: YES
Owner Name
00385 51 856 698Contact Email
anticabrusic@post.t-com.hrBAŠKA – OTOK KRK – APP 1 - Opis apartmana
Od ukupno 3 apartmana u kući, opis prvog: dvosobni ap. u prizemlju sa velikom natkritom terasom, 2 spavaće sobe, idealno za obitelj sa djecom, miran predio, dvorište, grill,u pretsezoni i posezoni mogućnost grijanja, smještaj od 2, 3, 4 do max 5 osoba .
APARTEMENET NM. 1. From a total of three apartments in the house, this is the first description, two bedroom on the ground floor with a large terrace, garden grill. ideal with families with children, to a lesser room separate beds in the large bedroom bed for 2 people + 1 extra bed if necessary. Prices respond to a request, depending on season and number of persons, may 4, 5 people max, in the pre-season can be 3 or 2 persons. The possibility of heating. Peaceful area.
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