- City: poreč
- Street: IVE ANDRIĆA 72
- Country: Hrvatska
- Zip/Postal Code: 52440 Poreč
- No. of beds: 16
- No. of rooms: 5 apartmana
- Sea Distance (m): 900 m
- Sea View: NO
- Air Condition: YES
- Parking: YES
- Balcony / Terrace: YES
- Kitchen: YES
- Are pets allowed?: YES
- Ground Floor: YES, NO
Owner Name
IVAN MATIĆContact Phone
00385 91 18983Contact Email
ivan.matic@pu.t-com.hrAPARTMANI – VILA MATIĆ – POREČ - Opis apartmana
Apartments are situated in town Porec, the most famous tourist centre of Istria nad Croatia. The house is situated in quiet part of the town called Bolnica, but only several minutes from the town-centre. Apartments are completely equipped, each has terrace or balcony. Guests can use garden grill with garden furniture.
Apartments are fully equipped for cooking. WIFI GRATIS !
Ad Reference ID: 525291a88388a60
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