- City: LOPAR
- Street: LOPAR 543a
- Country: Hrvatska
- Zip/Postal Code: 51281 LOPAR - RAB
- No. of beds: 1
- No. of rooms: 1
- Sea Distance (m): 150
- Sea View: NO
- Air Condition: YES
- Parking: YES
- Balcony / Terrace: YES
- Internet: YES
- Kitchen: YES
- Breakfast included:: NO
- Are pets allowed?: NO
- Ground Floor: YES
- Heating: NO
- Swimming Pool/Bazen/Bazen: NO
Owner Name
00385 98 292 261Contact Email
sanic.app@gmail.comAPARTMENTS ŠANIĆ A – LOPAR RAB - Opis apartmana
Apartments are on only 2 minutes walk from the beach, and the beautiful sandy Paradise Beach, the second most famous beach in Croatia is omly 100 meters away. Lopar has 22 sandy beaches, hence the number of tourists who do not stay at Lopar, but in other villages on the island, visit and explore all of our natural resources. Lopar is 12 km away from the old town of Rab, where you will be able to see all the cultural, artistic and historical diversity of Rab.
Various restaurants, bars, post office, sports centre and various shops are from our house about 80 to 100m away. Within Lopar San Marino tourist resort, where you can find our apartments, you will find everything you need, from souvenirs to various entertainment facilities.
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